Fear is silent but deadly, unheard by others but the loudest within you, it is a crippling emotion experienced by everyone, but not conquered by all.  

When we encounter fear, our initial reaction is to avoid what triggers it. This is because we have imprinted in our minds that being fearful debilitates our ability to control ourselves.  But this is only true when we give in to it. The only thing that can set us apart from those that have been devoured by it, is how we act upon our fears.

Dog bandanas

Edgar is a friend, a husband and my father, a strong figure in my life who I look up to the most. His story began with fear but will not be ended by it. 5 of years ago, my father was diagnosed with a severe chronic migraine which made drastic changes to his normal way of living. He had to quit his day job, was given numerous medications, and was advised by the doctor to get a service dog. Refusing to face his situation he denied all kinds of advice and help that he was given. The adjustments he had to make incited fear and anxiety because he suddenly lost the life he knew and was comfortable with.  

With much apprehension from my father, we still heeded the advice from the doctor such as getting him a service dog. Our family is fond of dogs, and we knew getting one would greatly improve the way he dealt with his fear and simultaneously cater to his emotional needs. My father, who was fearful of his current state and how people would react to his illness, found new hope in his service dog, Kip. Kip has now been by his side for 3 years and has continuously aided him in his day-to-day activities. Inspired by my father’s physical and mental development, my mother, Peggy and I sought inspiration to start Life for Pawz. This is a family-initiated passion project that aims to raise awareness and give admiration to pets that continuously bring joy, comfort, and companionship to families.

Through my hobby of making products for dogs and my mother’s artistic expression we have created what Life for Pawz is currently known for: Handmade Dog Bandanas. This is now being handled passionately by my father, who is putting most of his time, effort, and attention in growing a brand that caters to those who share the same love, appreciation, and gratitude to their pets.This experience just proves how our fear for change and adjustment has brought out the best in all of us. How we, as a family, leveraged our fear to fuel, bringing us hope that there are indeed better days ahead of us. The road is never just a straight path that one must follow, there will be bumps and curves that will slow you down, but all you have to do is acknowledge it,  look ahead and keep moving forward

  Kip and Life for Pawz remains to be our motivation to continue what we are passionate about and to remind us that being fearful is not incapacitating. This is if we continuously choose to be inspired and not controlled by it.